Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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1,417 lines
Object = "{6B7E6392-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}#1.1#0"; "COMCTL32.OCX"
Begin VB.Form FWatch
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "WinWatch"
ClientHeight = 6045
ClientLeft = 1605
ClientTop = 2130
ClientWidth = 9360
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 700
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Icon = "Winwatch.frx":0000
LinkMode = 1 'Source
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
PaletteMode = 1 'UseZOrder
ScaleHeight = 6045
ScaleWidth = 9360
Begin ComctlLib.TreeView tvwWin
Height = 1695
Left = 4920
TabIndex = 30
Top = 2520
Width = 4335
_ExtentX = 7646
_ExtentY = 2990
_Version = 327680
HideSelection = 0 'False
LabelEdit = 1
LineStyle = 1
Style = 6
Appearance = 1
MouseIcon = "Winwatch.frx":0CFA
Begin VB.ListBox lstTopWin
Height = 1425
Left = 120
Sorted = -1 'True
TabIndex = 29
Top = 4530
Width = 2175
Begin VB.ListBox lstResource
Height = 1425
Left = 7080
Sorted = -1 'True
TabIndex = 28
Top = 4532
Width = 2175
Begin VB.ListBox lstModule
Height = 1425
Left = 4760
TabIndex = 27
Top = 4534
Width = 2175
Begin VB.ListBox lstProcess
Height = 1425
Left = 2440
Sorted = -1 'True
TabIndex = 26
Top = 4536
Width = 2175
Begin VB.CheckBox chkBlank
Caption = "Show Blank"
Height = 255
Left = 1200
TabIndex = 21
Top = 3756
Width = 1695
Begin VB.CheckBox chkOwned
Caption = "Show Owned"
Height = 255
Left = 1200
TabIndex = 20
Top = 3516
Width = 1695
Begin VB.PictureBox bstMenu
Height = 480
Left = 8445
ScaleHeight = 420
ScaleWidth = 1140
TabIndex = 19
Top = 6840
Width = 1200
Begin VB.CheckBox chkFilter
Caption = "Filter Resources"
Height = 255
Left = 3000
TabIndex = 18
Top = 3996
Value = 1 'Checked
Width = 1845
Begin VB.PictureBox pbDump
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
Height = 396
Left = 165
ScaleHeight = 330
ScaleWidth = 495
TabIndex = 17
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 552
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdDump
Caption = "&Dump"
Height = 372
Left = 120
TabIndex = 16
Top = 2770
Width = 972
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdLogFile
Caption = "&Log File"
Height = 372
Left = 120
TabIndex = 13
Top = 360
Width = 972
Begin VB.CheckBox chkInvisible
Caption = "Show Invisible"
Height = 255
Left = 1200
TabIndex = 12
Top = 3996
Width = 1695
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSave
Caption = "&Save"
Height = 372
Left = 120
TabIndex = 9
Top = 842
Width = 972
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRefresh
Caption = "&Refresh"
Height = 372
Left = 120
TabIndex = 5
Top = 2288
Width = 972
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdPoint
Caption = "&Point"
Height = 372
Left = 120
TabIndex = 1
Top = 1324
Width = 972
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdActivate
Caption = "&Activate"
Height = 372
Left = 120
TabIndex = 2
Top = 1806
Width = 972
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit
Caption = "E&xit"
Height = 372
Left = 120
TabIndex = 3
Top = 3255
Width = 972
Begin VB.PictureBox pbResource
Appearance = 0 'Flat
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BackColor = &H80000005&
BorderStyle = 0 'None
DragIcon = "Winwatch.frx":0D16
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Courier New"
Size = 7.5
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 3264
Left = 1200
ScaleHeight = 3270
ScaleWidth = 3630
TabIndex = 4
Top = 216
Width = 3624
Begin VB.Image imgCloud
Height = 1920
Left = 2970
Picture = "Winwatch.frx":0E68
Top = 1755
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 1920
Begin VB.Label lbl
Caption = "Module:"
Height = 228
Index = 4
Left = 7008
TabIndex = 25
Top = 1236
Width = 1896
Begin VB.Label lblMod
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 768
Left = 6984
TabIndex = 24
Top = 1476
Width = 2028
Begin VB.Label lblProc
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 840
Left = 4968
TabIndex = 23
Top = 1464
Width = 2028
Begin VB.Label lbl
Caption = "Process:"
Height = 228
Index = 2
Left = 4956
TabIndex = 22
Top = 1224
Width = 1896
Begin VB.Label lbl
Caption = "Window Hierarchy:"
Height = 228
Index = 3
Left = 4956
TabIndex = 15
Top = 2304
Width = 2220
Begin VB.Label lbl
Caption = "Window:"
Height = 228
Index = 1
Left = 4932
TabIndex = 14
Top = 0
Width = 4212
Begin VB.Label lblWin
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 1044
Left = 4944
TabIndex = 10
Top = 228
Width = 4116
Begin VB.Label lblResource
Caption = "Resources:"
Height = 252
Left = 7080
TabIndex = 11
Top = 4320
Width = 1140
Begin VB.Label lblProcess
Caption = "Processes:"
Height = 255
Left = 2440
TabIndex = 8
Top = 4320
Width = 1935
Begin VB.Label lblModule
Caption = "Modules:"
Height = 255
Left = 4760
TabIndex = 7
Top = 4320
Width = 2175
Begin VB.Label lbl
Caption = "Top Windows:"
Height = 255
Index = 0
Left = 120
TabIndex = 6
Top = 4320
Width = 2175
Begin VB.Label lblMsg
Caption = "Resource Information:"
Height = 255
Left = 1200
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 3255
Begin VB.Menu mnuFile
Caption = "&File"
Begin VB.Menu mnuLogFile
Caption = "&Log File"
Begin VB.Menu mnuSave
Caption = "&Save"
Begin VB.Menu mnuPoint
Caption = "&Point"
Begin VB.Menu mnuActivate
Caption = "&Activate"
Begin VB.Menu mnuRefresh
Caption = "&Refresh"
Begin VB.Menu mnuDump
Caption = "&Dump"
Begin VB.Menu mnuExit
Caption = "E&xit"
Attribute VB_Name = "FWatch"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private idProcCur As Long
Private hModCur As Long
Private hModFree As Long
Private hTopWndCur As Long
Private hWndCur As Long
Private hInstCur As Long
Private sModCur As String
Private hResourceCur As Long
Private hResourceLast As Long
Private fCapture As Boolean
Private ordResourceLast As Integer
Private ordPointerLast As Integer
Private dxPicMax As Long, dyPicMax As Long
Private nFileCur As Integer
Const sMsg = "Resource Information:"
Public Enum EUpdateType
End Enum
' Constants for accessing icon directory and entry structures
Enum EIconDirEntryImage
' Group Directory
wReserved = 0
wType = 2
wCount = 4
entFirst = 6
' Icon Group Entry
bWidth = 0
bHeight = 1
bColorCount = 2
bReserved = 3
wPlanes = 4
wBitCount = 6
dwBytesInRes = 8
wID = 12
cEntrySize = 14
' Cursor Group Entry
wWidth = 0
wHeight = 2
' Rest same as Icon
End Enum
' Flag to prevent recursion in
Private fInClick As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
Debug.Print GetFullPath("vb5.exe")
Dim hWndOther As Long
hWndOther = GetFirstInstWnd(Me.hWnd)
If hWndOther <> hNull Then
' Uncomment this line for debugging
'MsgBox "Activating first instance"
SetForegroundWindow hWndOther
End If
dxPicMax = pbResource.Width
dyPicMax = pbResource.Height
ChDrive App.Path
ChDir App.Path
PaletteMode = vbPaletteModeCustom
Palette = pbResource.Picture
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Paint()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub RefreshAllLists(Optional hWnd As Long)
' Prevent calling again until this one finishes
Static fInside As Integer
If fInside Then Exit Sub
fInside = True
RefreshFullWinList False
' Update entire display
fInClick = True
hWndCur = 0: hTopWndCur = 0: idProcCur = 0
hWnd = IIf(hWnd, hWnd, lstTopWin.ItemData(0))
UpdateDisplay eutWindow, hWnd
fInClick = False
fInside = False
End Sub
Private Sub RefreshFullWinList(fLogFile As Boolean)
Const sLog = "WINLIST.TXT"
Call LockWindowUpdate(tvwWin.hWnd)
HourGlass Me
If fLogFile Then
lblMsg.Caption = "Creating log file " & sLog & "..."
nFileCur = FreeFile
Open sLog For Output As nFileCur
Print #nFileCur, sEmpty
Print #nFileCur, "Window List " & sCrLf
Dim helperFile As CWindowToFile
Set helperFile = New CWindowToFile
helperFile.FileNumber = nFileCur
Call IterateChildWindows(-1, GetDesktopWindow(), helperFile)
Close nFileCur
lblMsg.Caption = "Building window list..."
Dim helperForm As CWindowToForm
Set helperForm = New CWindowToForm
Set helperForm.TreeViewControl = tvwWin
helperForm.ShowInvisible = chkInvisible
Call IterateChildWindows(-1, GetDesktopWindow(), helperForm)
End If
lblMsg.Caption = sMsg
HourGlass Me
Call LockWindowUpdate(hNull)
End Sub
Private Sub RefreshTopWinList()
Dim sTitle As String, hWnd As Long
SetRedraw lstTopWin, False
' Get first top-level window
hWnd = GetWindow(GetDesktopWindow(), GW_CHILD)
BugAssert hWnd <> hNull
' Iterate through remaining windows
Do While hWnd <> hNull
sTitle = WindowTextLineFromWnd(hWnd)
' Determine whether to display titled, visible, and unowned
If IsVisibleTopWnd(hWnd, chkBlank, _
chkInvisible, chkOwned) Then
lstTopWin.AddItem sTitle
lstTopWin.ItemData(lstTopWin.NewIndex) = hWnd
End If
' Get next child
hWnd = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)
SetRedraw lstTopWin, True
End Sub
Private Sub RefreshProcessList()
Dim processes As CVector, process As CProcess, i As Long
Set processes = CreateProcessList
SetRedraw lstProcess, False
For i = 1 To processes.Last
lstProcess.AddItem processes(i).EXEName
lstProcess.ItemData(lstProcess.NewIndex) = processes(i).id
SetRedraw lstProcess, True
End Sub
Private Sub RefreshModuleList(idProc As Long)
Dim modules As CVector, module As CModule, i As Long
Set modules = CreateModuleList(idProc)
' Illustrate three ways to prevent visible window update
#Const ordQuiet = 0
#If ordQuiet = 0 Then
SetRedraw lstModule, False
#ElseIf ordQuiet = 1 Then
Call LockWindowUpdate(lstModule.hWnd)
#ElseIf ordQuiet = 2 Then
lstModule.Visible = False
#End If
' Add module names and handles
For i = 1 To modules.Last
lstModule.AddItem modules(i).ExeFile
lstModule.ItemData(lstModule.NewIndex) = modules(i).Handle
' Look up main executable file
lstModule.ListIndex = LookupItem(lstModule, ExeNameFromProcID(idProc))
If lstModule.ListIndex = -1 Then lstModule.ListIndex = 0
#If ordQuiet = 0 Then
SetRedraw lstModule, True
#ElseIf ordQuiet = 1 Then
Call LockWindowUpdate(hNull)
#ElseIf ordQuiet = 2 Then
lstModule.Visible = True
#End If
End Sub
Private Sub lstTopWin_DblClick()
#Const fWindowsWay = 0
#If fWindowsWay Then
SetForegroundWindow hTopWndCur
' Ignore errors
On Error Resume Next
AppActivate lstTopWin.Text
If Err Then BugMessage "AppActivate error: " & Err
#End If
End Sub
Private Sub lstTopWin_Click()
' Module-level flag to prevent circular references
If fInClick Then Exit Sub
fInClick = True
' Look up window handle
Dim hWnd As Long
hWnd = lstTopWin.ItemData(lstTopWin.ListIndex)
UpdateDisplay eutTopWindow, hWnd
fInClick = False
End Sub
Private Sub lstProcess_Click()
' Module-level flag to prevent circular references
If fInClick Then Exit Sub
fInClick = True
' Load process ID
Dim idProc As Long
idProc = lstProcess.ItemData(lstProcess.ListIndex)
UpdateDisplay eutProcess, idProc
fInClick = False
End Sub
Private Sub lstModule_Click()
' Module-level flag to prevent circular references
If fInClick Then Exit Sub
fInClick = True
UpdateDisplay eutModule, lstModule.ItemData(lstModule.ListIndex)
fInClick = False
End Sub
Private Sub chkFilter_Click()
UpdateResources hModCur
End Sub
Private Sub chkInvisible_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub chkOwned_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub chkBlank_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdActivate_Click()
SetForegroundWindow hWndCur
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDump_Click()
Dim hDCCur As Long, hWndOld As Long
Dim tim As Double
Dim RECT As RECT, dx As Long, dy As Long
' Save current window, and switch to capture window
hWndOld = GetActiveWindow()
SetForegroundWindow hWndCur
' Give window time to repaint
tim = Timer + 0.5
Loop Until Timer >= tim
' Borrow window DC
hDCCur = GetWindowDC(hWndCur)
Call GetWindowRect(hWndCur, RECT)
dx = RECT.Right - RECT.Left + 2: dy = RECT.bottom - RECT.Top + 2
' Blit window DC to hidden picture box
With pbDump
.Width = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * dx
.Height = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY * dy
Call BitBlt(.hDC, 0, 0, dx, dy, hDCCur, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy)
' Copy from DC to Picture
.Picture = .Image
End With
' Give DC back
Call ReleaseDC(hWndCur, hDCCur)
SetForegroundWindow hWndOld
' Save Picture property in file
Dim sFile As String, sDirCur As String
sDirCur = CurDir
If VBGetSaveFileName(filename:="*.BMP", _
FileTitle:=sFile, _
InitDir:=sDirCur, _
DlgTitle:="Save Window As", _
Filter:="Bitmaps (*.BMP) | *.BMP)", _
DefaultExt:="BMP") Then
SavePicture pbDump.Picture, sFile
End If
ChDir sDirCur
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLogFile_Click()
RefreshFullWinList True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPoint_Click()
If cmdPoint.Caption = "&Point" Then
fCapture = True
cmdPoint.Caption = "End &Point"
Call SetCapture(Me.hWnd)
lblMsg.Caption = "Move mouse for window information"
fCapture = False
cmdPoint.Caption = "&Point"
lblMsg.Caption = sMsg
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
If fCapture Then
Dim pt As POINTL
Dim hWnd As Long
Dim idProc As Long
pt.X = X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
pt.Y = Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
ClientToScreen Me.hWnd, pt
hWnd = WindowFromPoint(pt.X, pt.Y)
If hWnd <> hNull Then
' Turn point mode off
fCapture = False
cmdPoint.Caption = "&Point"
On Error Resume Next
Dim nodX As Node
Set nodX = tvwWin.Nodes.Item("W" & hWnd)
' If window isn't in list, refresh the display
fInClick = True
If nodX Is Nothing Then
RefreshAllLists hWnd
UpdateDisplay eutWindow, hWnd
lblMsg.Caption = sMsg
End If
fInClick = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
If fCapture Then
Dim pt As POINTL, hWnd As Long
Static hWndLast As Long
' Set point and convert it to screen coordinates
pt.X = X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
pt.Y = Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
ClientToScreen Me.hWnd, pt
' Find window under it
hWnd = WindowFromPoint(pt.X, pt.Y)
' Update display only if window has changed
If hWnd <> hWndLast Then
lblWin.Caption = GetWndInfo(hWnd)
hWndLast = hWnd
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()
' Maintain currently selected item
RefreshAllLists lstTopWin.ItemData(lstTopWin.ListIndex)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim sDirCur As String, sFileTitle As String, sFile As String
Dim sDlgTitle As String, sFilter As String, sDefaultExt As String
sDirCur = CurDir$
Select Case ordResourceLast
sFile = "*.BMP"
sDlgTitle = "Save Bitmap As"
sFilter = "Bitmaps (*.BMP) | *.BMP)"
sDefaultExt = "BMP"
sFile = "*.ICO"
sDlgTitle = "Save Icon As"
sFilter = "Icons (*.ICO) | *.ICO)"
sDefaultExt = "ICO"
sFile = "*.CUR"
sDlgTitle = "Save Cursor As"
sFilter = "Cursors (*.CUR) | *.CUR)"
sDefaultExt = "CUR"
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
If VBGetSaveFileName(filename:=sFile, _
FileTitle:=sFileTitle, _
InitDir:=sDirCur, _
DlgTitle:=sDlgTitle, _
Filter:=sFilter, _
DefaultExt:=sDefaultExt) Then
If ordResourceLast <> RT_CURSOR And ordResourceLast <> RT_GROUP_CURSOR Then
SavePicture pbResource.Picture, sFileTitle
End If
End If
ChDir sDirCur
End Sub
Private Sub mnuActivate_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuDump_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuLogFile_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuPoint_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuRefresh_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuSave_Click()
End Sub
#If Win32 = 0 Then
Private Sub bstMenu_Message(MsgVal As Integer, wParam As Integer, _
lParam As Long, ReturnVal As Long)
If MsgVal = WM_COMMAND Then
ReturnVal = SendMessage(hTopWndCur, MsgVal, ByVal wParam, ByVal lParam)
ElseIf MsgVal = WM_INITMENU Then
SyncMenu hResourceCur, GetMenu(hTopWndCur)
ReturnVal = 0&
End If
End Sub
#End If
Private Sub lstResource_Click()
Dim sType As String, sName As String, i As Integer
sType = lstResource.Text
BugAssert sType <> sEmpty
' Extract resource ID and type
If Left$(sType, 1) = "0" Then
' Append # so Windows will recognize numbers as strings
sName = "#" & Left$(sType, 5)
sType = Trim$(Mid$(sType, 7))
i = InStr(sType, " ")
sName = Trim$(Left$(sType, i - 1))
sType = Trim$(Mid$(sType, i + 1))
End If
' Clear last resource and handle new one
pbResource.AutoRedraw = False
If UCase$(sType) <> "BITMAP" Then
BmpTile pbResource, imgCloud.Picture
End If
Select Case UCase$(sType)
ShowCursor hModCur, sName
ShowCursors hModCur, sName
ShowBitmap hModCur, sName
Case "ICON"
ShowIcon hModCur, sName
ShowIcons hModCur, sName
Case "MENU"
ShowMenu hModCur, sName
ShowString hModCur, sName
Case "WAVE"
PlayWave hModCur, sName
Case "AVI"
PlayAvi hModCur, sName
pbResource.Print sType & " selected"
pbResource.Print GetVersionData(sModCur, 26)
Case Else
ShowData hModCur, sName, sType
End Select
pbResource.AutoRedraw = True
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateResources(ByVal hMod As Long)
' Turn on hourglass, turn off redrawing
HourGlass Me
Call LockWindowUpdate(lstResource.hWnd)
Call EnumResourceTypes(hMod, AddressOf ResTypeProc, Me)
Call LockWindowUpdate(hNull)
HourGlass Me
End Sub
Sub SaveIcon(pb As PictureBox, sName As String)
#If 0 Then
Static cbIconBits As Integer
' Set byte size of an icon only one time
If cbIconBits = 0 Then
Dim hWnd As Long, hDC As Long
hWnd = GetDesktopWindow()
hDC = GetDC(hWnd)
If GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL) = 8 Then
cbIconBits = 1024
cbIconBits = 512
End If
Call ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC)
End If
' Lock dummy icon so that we can write bits to it
Dim pIcon As Long
'pbTemp.Picture = pbBlank.Picture
pIcon = GlobalLock(pbTemp.Picture)
' Copy bits from picture to icon dummy, skipping icon header
Dim iBits As Long, cHeader As Integer, cColors As Integer
cHeader = 12
cColors = 128
iBits = GetBitmapBits(pb.Image, cbIconBits, pIcon + cHeader + cColors)
' Unlock icon dummy
Call GlobalUnlock(pbTemp.Picture)
' Save icon
SavePicture pbTemp.Picture, sName
#End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClearResource()
With pbResource
Select Case ordResourceLast
Call SetMenu(Me.hWnd, hResourceLast)
Call DestroyMenu(hResourceCur)
MousePointer = ordPointerLast
' No restore needed
End Select
.CurrentX = 0
.CurrentY = 0
ordResourceLast = 0
hResourceCur = hNull
hResourceLast = hNull
' .Picture = LoadPicture()
End With
End Sub
Sub ShowBitmap(ByVal hMod As Long, sBitmap As String)
With pbResource
Dim hPal As Long, hPal2 As Long
' Convert resource into bitmap handle
hResourceCur = LoadBitmapPalette(hMod, sBitmap, hPal)
If hResourceCur = hNull Then
pbResource.Print "Can't load bitmap: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
Exit Sub
End If
' Convert hBitmap to Picture (clip anything larger than picture box)
.Picture = BitmapToPicture(hResourceCur, hPal)
' Set the form palette to use this picture's palette
Palette = .Picture
' Make sure palette is realized
' Draw the palette
DrawPalette pbResource, hPal, .Width, .Height * 0.1, 0, .Height * 0.9
' Record the type for cleanup
ordResourceLast = RT_BITMAP
End With
End Sub
Sub ShowCursor(ByVal hMod As Long, sCursor As String)
' Get cursor handle
hResourceCur = LoadImage(hMod, sCursor, IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, 0)
If hResourceCur <> hNull Then
ordPointerLast = MousePointer
MousePointer = vbCustom
MouseIcon = CursorToPicture(hResourceCur)
ordResourceLast = RT_CURSOR
Call DrawIconEx(pbResource.hDC, 0, 0, hResourceCur, _
0, 0, 0, hNull, DI_NORMAL)
pbResource.Print "Can't display cursor: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowCursors(ByVal hMod As Long, sCursor As String)
BugAssert (hMod <> hNull) And (sCursor <> sEmpty)
' Find the resource
Dim hRes As Long, hmemRes As Long, cRes As Long, pRes As Long
Dim abGroup() As Byte, abEntry() As Byte
hRes = FindResourceStrId(hMod, sCursor, RT_GROUP_CURSOR)
If hRes = hNull Then
pbResource.Print "Can't display data: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
Exit Sub
End If
pbResource.ScaleMode = vbPixels
' Allocate memory block, get size, get pointer, and allocate array
hmemRes = LoadResource(hMod, hRes)
cRes = SizeofResource(hMod, hRes)
pRes = LockResource(hmemRes)
ReDim abGroup(cRes)
' Copy memory block to bytes and free
CopyMemory abGroup(0), ByVal pRes, cRes
Call FreeResource(hmemRes)
Dim cImage As Integer, i As Integer, iImage As Integer
Dim dxCursor As Integer, dyCursor As Integer, hCursor As Long, s As String
' Validate entry
BugAssert BytesToWord(abGroup, wType) = vbResCursor
' Get image count
cImage = BytesToWord(abGroup, wCount)
' Set up first entry
iImage = entFirst
pbResource.CurrentX = 75
pbResource.CurrentY = 0
For i = 0 To cImage - 1
' Get size and colors
dxCursor = abGroup(iImage + wWidth)
dyCursor = abGroup(iImage + wHeight)
' For reasons unknown height always comes out twice real size,
' so since all cursors I've seen are square, reuse width as height
s = dxCursor & "x" & dxCursor
' Find, load, size, allocate, and copy entry
hRes = FindResourceIdId(hMod, BytesToWord(abGroup, iImage + wID), RT_CURSOR)
BugAssert hRes
hmemRes = LoadResource(hMod, hRes)
cRes = SizeofResource(hMod, hRes)
pRes = LockResource(hmemRes)
ReDim abEntry(cRes)
CopyMemory abEntry(0), ByVal pRes, cRes
Call FreeResource(hmemRes)
' Create an Cursor from resource data
hCursor = CreateIconFromResource(abEntry(0), cRes, False, &H30000)
' Draw Cursor and print description
s = s & " (" & BytesToWord(abEntry, 0) & "," & _
BytesToWord(abEntry, 2) & ")"
Call DrawIconEx(pbResource.hDC, 0, pbResource.CurrentY, hCursor, _
dxCursor, dxCursor, 0, hNull, DI_NORMAL)
pbResource.Print s
' Move to next entry
pbResource.CurrentY = pbResource.CurrentY + dxCursor
pbResource.CurrentX = 75
iImage = iImage + cEntrySize
pbResource.ScaleMode = vbTwips
' Use the best cursor
hResourceCur = LoadImage(hMod, sCursor, IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, 0)
BugAssert hResourceCur <> hNull
ordPointerLast = MousePointer
MousePointer = vbCustom
MouseIcon = IconToPicture(hResourceCur)
ordResourceLast = RT_CURSOR
End Sub
Sub ShowData(ByVal hMod As Long, sData As String, _
Optional sDataType As String = "RCDATA")
Dim hRes As Long, hmemRes As Long, cRes As Long
Dim pRes As Long, abRes() As Byte
If sDataType = "RCDATA" Then
hRes = FindResourceStrId(hMod, sData, RT_RCDATA)
hRes = FindResourceStrStr(hMod, sData, sDataType)
End If
If hRes = hNull Then
pbResource.Print "Can't display data: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
Exit Sub
End If
' Allocate memory block and get its size
hmemRes = LoadResource(hMod, hRes)
cRes = SizeofResource(hMod, hRes)
' Don't dump more than 500 bytes
If cRes > 500 Then cRes = 500
' Lock it to get pointer
pRes = LockResource(hmemRes)
' Allocate byte array of right size
ReDim abRes(cRes)
' Copy memory block to array
CopyMemory abRes(0), ByVal pRes, cRes
' Free resource (no need to unlock)
Call FreeResource(hmemRes)
pbResource.Print HexDump(abRes, False)
End Sub
Sub ShowIcon(ByVal hMod As Long, sIcon As String)
BugAssert (hMod <> hNull) And (sIcon <> sEmpty)
' Load icon resource
hResourceCur = LoadImage(hMod, sIcon, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0)
With pbResource
If hResourceCur <> hNull Then
' Convert icon handle to Picture
Dim pic As New StdPicture
Set pic = IconToPicture(hResourceCur)
pbResource.PaintPicture pic, 0, 0
ordResourceLast = RT_ICON
pbResource.Print "Can't display icon: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub ShowIcons(ByVal hMod As Long, sIcon As String)
BugAssert (hMod <> hNull) And (sIcon <> sEmpty)
' Find the resource
Dim hRes As Long, hmemRes As Long, cRes As Long, pRes As Long
Dim abGroup() As Byte, abEntry() As Byte
hRes = FindResourceStrId(hMod, sIcon, RT_GROUP_ICON)
If hRes = hNull Then
pbResource.Print "Can't display data: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
Exit Sub
End If
pbResource.ScaleMode = vbPixels
' Allocate memory block, get size, get pointer, and allocate array
hmemRes = LoadResource(hMod, hRes)
cRes = SizeofResource(hMod, hRes)
pRes = LockResource(hmemRes)
ReDim abGroup(cRes)
' Copy memory block to bytes and free
CopyMemory abGroup(0), ByVal pRes, cRes
Call FreeResource(hmemRes)
Dim cImage As Integer, i As Integer, iImage As Integer
Dim dxIcon As Byte, dyIcon As Byte, hIcon As Long, s As String
' Validate entry
BugAssert BytesToWord(abGroup, wType) = vbResIcon
' Get image count
cImage = BytesToWord(abGroup, wCount)
' Set up first entry
iImage = entFirst
pbResource.CurrentX = 75
pbResource.CurrentY = 0
For i = 0 To cImage - 1
' Get size and colors
dxIcon = abGroup(iImage + bWidth)
dyIcon = abGroup(iImage + bHeight)
s = dxIcon & "x" & dyIcon & ", " & _
abGroup(iImage + bColorCount) & " color"
' Find, load, size, allocate, and copy entry
hRes = FindResourceIdId(hMod, _
BytesToWord(abGroup, iImage + wID), _
BugAssert hRes
hmemRes = LoadResource(hMod, hRes)
cRes = SizeofResource(hMod, hRes)
pRes = LockResource(hmemRes)
ReDim abEntry(cRes)
CopyMemory abEntry(0), ByVal pRes, cRes
Call FreeResource(hmemRes)
' Create an icon from resource data
hIcon = CreateIconFromResource(abEntry(0), cRes, True, &H30000)
' Draw icon and print description
Call DrawIconEx(pbResource.hDC, 0, pbResource.CurrentY, hIcon, _
dxIcon, dyIcon, 0, hNull, DI_NORMAL)
pbResource.Print s
' Move to next entry
pbResource.CurrentY = pbResource.CurrentY + dyIcon
pbResource.CurrentX = 75
iImage = iImage + cEntrySize
pbResource.ScaleMode = vbTwips
hResourceCur = hIcon
ordResourceLast = RT_ICON
End Sub
Sub ShowString(ByVal hMod As Long, sString As String)
Dim hRes As Long, hmemRes As Long, cRes As Long
Dim pRes As Long, abRes() As Byte, i As Long
hRes = FindResourceStrId(hMod, sString, RT_STRING)
If hRes = hNull Then
pbResource.Print "Can't display string: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
Exit Sub
End If
' Allocate memory block and get its size
hmemRes = LoadResource(hMod, hRes)
cRes = SizeofResource(hMod, hRes)
' Don't dump more than 500 bytes
If cRes > 500 Then cRes = 500
' Lock it to get pointer
pRes = LockResource(hmemRes)
' Allocate byte array of right size
ReDim abRes(cRes)
' Copy memory block to array
CopyMemory abRes(0), ByVal pRes, cRes
' Free resource (no need to unlock)
Call FreeResource(hmemRes)
pbResource.Print HexDump(abRes, False)
End Sub
Sub ShowMenu(ByVal hMod As Long, sMenu As String)
hResourceCur = LoadMenu(hMod, sMenu)
If hResourceCur <> 0 Then
pbResource.Print "Menu set to: "
pbResource.Print lstTopWin.Text
hResourceLast = GetMenu(Me.hWnd)
Call SetMenu(Me.hWnd, hResourceCur)
ordResourceLast = RT_MENU
pbResource.Print "Can't display menu: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
End If
End Sub
Sub PlayWave(ByVal hMod As Long, sWave As String)
' Convert wave resource to memory
Dim hWave As Long, hmemWave As Long, pWave As Long
hWave = FindResourceStrStr(hMod, sWave, "WAVE")
hmemWave = LoadResource(hMod, hWave)
pWave = LockResource(hmemWave)
Call FreeResource(hmemWave)
' Play it
If sndPlaySoundAsLp(pWave, SND_MEMORY Or SND_NODEFAULT) Then
pbResource.Print "Sound played"
pbResource.Print "Can't play sound: " & sCrLf & sCrLf & _
WordWrap(ApiError(Err.LastDllError), 25)
End If
End Sub
Sub PlayAvi(ByVal hMod As Long, sWave As String)
Dim hWave As Long, hmemWave As Long, pWave As Long
hWave = FindResourceStrStr(hMod, sWave, "WAVE")
hmemWave = LoadResource(hMod, hWave)
pWave = LockResource(hmemWave)
' Play AVI from memory
Call UnlockResource(hmemWave)
Call FreeResource(hmemWave)
End Sub
Function GetVersionData(sExe As String, _
Optional ByVal cMaxChar As Long = 40) As String
Dim version As New CVersion, s As String
On Error GoTo NoVersionData
With version
' Initialize version object
version = sExe
' Read and return properties
s = s & WordWrap(.ProductName, cMaxChar) & sCrLf
s = s & "Exe type: " & .ExeType & sCrLf
s = s & "Internal name: " & .InternalName & sCrLf
If .BuildString <> sEmpty Then
s = s & "Build: " & .BuildString & sCrLf
End If
If .OriginalFilename <> sEmpty And _
.OriginalFilename <> .InternalName Then
s = s & "Original name: " & .OriginalFilename & sCrLf
End If
s = s & "Product version: " & .FullProductVersion & sCrLf
s = s & "File version: " & .FullFileVersion & sCrLf
s = s & "Company: " & WordWrap(.Company, cMaxChar) & sCrLf
If .Comments <> sEmpty Then
s = s & "Comments: " & WordWrap(.Comments, cMaxChar) & sCrLf
End If
s = s & "Copyright: " & WordWrap(.Copyright, cMaxChar) & sCrLf
If .Trademarks <> sEmpty Then
s = s & "Trademarks: " & WordWrap(.Trademarks, cMaxChar) & sCrLf
End If
's = s & "Host OS: " & .Environment & sCrLf
s = s & "OS Version: " & .ProductVersionString & sCrLf
If .Description <> sEmpty Then
s = s & "Description: " & WordWrap(.Description, cMaxChar) & sCrLf
End If
Dim dt As Date
dt = .TimeStamp
If dt <> 0 Then
s = s & "Time stamp: " & dt & sCrLf
End If
GetVersionData = s
End With
Exit Function
GetVersionData = "Unable to display version information"
End Function
Sub UpdateDisplay(eut As EUpdateType, hThing As Long)
Dim idProc As Long, hWnd As Long, hTopWnd As Long, hMod As Long
' If top window is no longer valid, start from scratch
Dim hTemp As Long
If eut = eutTopWindow Or eut = eutWindow Then
hTemp = ProcIDFromWnd(hThing)
hTemp = ProcIDFromWnd(hWndCur)
End If
If hTemp = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case eut
Case eutTopWindow
BugMessage "Top window update"
idProc = ProcIDFromWnd(hThing)
hWnd = hThing
hTopWnd = hThing
hMod = hModCur
Case eutWindow
BugMessage "Window update"
idProc = ProcIDFromWnd(hThing)
hWnd = hThing
hTopWnd = TopWndFromProcID(idProc)
hMod = hModCur
Case eutProcess
BugMessage "Process update"
idProc = hThing
hWnd = TopWndFromProcID(idProc)
' If process doesn't belong to a window in the
' top window list, don't change top window or
' window hierarchy displays
If hWnd = hNull Then
hWnd = hWndCur
hTopWnd = hTopWndCur
hTopWnd = hWnd
End If
hMod = hModCur
Case eutModule
BugMessage "Module update"
hWnd = hWndCur
hTopWnd = hTopWndCur
idProc = idProcCur
hMod = hThing
sModCur = lstModule.Text
End Select
If hWnd Then BugMessage ExeNameFromWnd(hWnd)
' If window changed, update it
If hWnd <> hWndCur Then
hWndCur = hWnd
lblWin.Caption = GetWndInfo(hWnd)
tvwWin.Nodes.Item("W" & hWnd).Selected = True
End If
' If top window changed, update it
If hTopWnd <> hTopWndCur Then
hTopWndCur = hTopWnd
lstTopWin.ListIndex = LookupItemData(lstTopWin, hTopWnd)
End If
' If process changed, update it
If idProc <> idProcCur Then
idProcCur = idProc
' Unload previous process
If hModFree Then Call FreeLibrary(hModFree)
sModCur = ExePathFromProcID(idProcCur)
hMod = LoadLibraryEx(sModCur, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
' Save process handle for FreeLibrary
hModFree = hMod
' Store module handles of new process
RefreshModuleList idProc
lblProc.Caption = GetProcInfo(idProc)
lstProcess.ListIndex = LookupItemData(lstProcess, idProc)
End If
' Update resources if module changed
If hMod <> hModCur Then
' Update the resource list and the module information
hModCur = hMod
UpdateResources hModCur
lblMod.Caption = "Module: " & sModCur & sCrLf & _
"Handle: " & Hex$(hMod)
If lstResource.ListCount Then lstResource.ListIndex = 0
End If
If hWndCur Then hInstCur = InstFromWnd(hWndCur)
End Sub
Private Sub tvwWin_NodeClick(ByVal Node As ComctlLib.Node)
' Get current window handle from treeview node Key property
fInClick = True
UpdateDisplay eutWindow, CLng(Mid$(tvwWin.SelectedItem.Key, 2))
fInClick = False
End Sub